and the winner is (part II)…

So someone said, “What about the photo cards?” We get A LOT of photo cards at our church mainly I think because there’s a couple in the church that run this sort of business and they probably give everyone a discount so it’s somewhat economical. Another reason (my personal reason) is because they’re quick and easy– you don’t have to sign the card. Just slip it in the envelope and address the outside and you’re good to go. If you do like I do, you don’t even have to address the envelope, you just print out labels from a database and SWEET– slap that label on there, some postage, if necessary, and you’re DONE. I don’t even lick the envelope– just tuck that baby in! Kind of looses the personal touch that way but HEY, we’re all busy people and I supposed it’s better than not sending a card at all, right?

So on to the photo card awards…

These first two didn’t actually come from our church family. They are family members who had to put postage on their cards and mail them. KUDOS! I still don’t have my Christmas cards in the mail and Christmas is only a week away. And I should just add a note here: People who include their pets in their photo card— VERY BRAVE PEOPLE indeed, especially when the pets are cats! So Chris & Rachel, you get the VERY BRAVE PEOPLE award. 🙂

thank you Sally
and Chris & Rachel, Cody & Candy

The next 3 are the only portrait photo cards we received– seems landscape was the way to go this year.

thank you Millers, Farmers and Petersens
(you’ll be seeing the Petersen’s card again in just a bit)

This next group is what I call the “significant event group”. They all had significant events in their lives in 2009 and captured that event in a photo. I guess you can call going to the city of Hampton and sitting in front of the fountain a significant event. LOL There was a tie in this group, I just couldn’t decide. I really, really love the Beck’s the best, but then when I think of all those Rossiters getting to go see the Mouse– that’s just GREAT! So my Significant Event award goes to the Becks and Rossiters.

thank you Drinnons, Blantons, Becks and Rossiters

These next two groups get a design award for originality in size. This is the first year I’ve seen these two different sizes and I really, really like the second size (appox. 6 x 7.5).

thank you Davis’, Stokes, Holcombs, Taylors and Stokes
(you’ll be seeing the Holcomb’s card again in just a bit)

This group gets what I call the proud parent &/or grandparent award. Overall winner in this group has GOT to be the Trimbles for getting all those grandchildren together in cowboy/cowgirl outfits. GREAT JOB Trimbles!

thank you Pattersons, Trimbles and Ashmores

The next group get the sepia award. The one is def a sepia type photograph, the other is a similar look with a green tint– I just put them both in the same category.

thank you Snyders and McCollums

The next, and final group get what I call the Back to Nature award. I love outdoor photography and it’s just so difficult to get the right setting at the right time with the right lighting. KUDOS to the Feltens– you pulled it off!

thank you Carters, Taylors, Gatlins and Feltens

Now for the runner up and winner of all the photo cards received to this point. I’m having a difficult time choosing between the two. It seems that college sweatshirts was a theme in at least two of the cards this year, the Holcombs and the Petersens. I love the unique size of the Holcomb’s card and the fact that they have mostly Georgia shirt on with the Tennessee side of the family sandwiched in the middle– scary place to be! I love the color coordination of the Petersen’s shirt with their card and the way the guys are both in gray and the girls are all in navy. I’m having such a difficult time choosing I think I’m just going to have to forgo the runner up category and declare a tie in the winner category.

So, this year’s winners in the photo card entry is officially a tie between the Holcombs and the Petersens– CONGRATULATIONS ALL!

thank you Holcombs

thank you Petersens

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