Archive for September, 2006


Well, on a whim (and I’ve never done this before – pay full price to run) I ran the Buckhead Sizzler 10K this a.m. It is advertised as Atlanta’s FASTEST 10K and you are supposed to be able to put down a really FAST qualifying time for the Peachtree next summer. I’m sure somebody did. I was hoping to finish in under 50 minutes (my best time for a 10K thus far has been 52 minutes) but it wasn’t to be. 55:38 was my time. I’m not sure why I just keep getting slower and slower it seems. I did run the whole race – no walk break – which is a first for me in a 10K. That was good progress.

It was the last race for my old worn out running shoes. They are “officially” retired as of 10.1.06. I ran a mile in my new shoes when I got home and they felt good – different, but good. I think I’ll go ahead and purchase some cushy insoles – the shoes are a little hard inside. That will also cut down on the immediate wear inside as well – probably a good idea.

I’ll rest this week – just the normal easy 3-mile daily runs. Maybe squeeze a longer one in on Thursday and a couple of laps around the rock on Saturday.

OH, I should tell you about my tour of Atlanta on the Marta train after the race. I’m not too familiar with Marta L You see, the race started at the Chamblee station and ended in Buckhead. There were shuttles that would take you to the Lenox station and you could catch the train back to the Chamblee station. Well, the shuttles didn’t start until 9:00 a.m. (they want you to stick around for the awards, etc.) I knew I wasn’t going to be getting any awards and just wanted to get on back home so…. (drum roll please) I started walking. I had read that you could just walk to the Lenox station if you preferred. Well, I entered the first station I came to and bought my rail pass (it was all the $$ I had on me – no cell phone, nothing) thinking it was the Lenox station. So I sit there waiting for the train, waiting, waiting… and I get on the wrong one. I end up riding to the next station, having to get off, get on a southbound train back to the Linberg station (you see, I was actually at the BUCKHEAD station to being with – NOT the Lenox station) transferring to the RIGHT northbound train and then finally, 3 stops later, there I was – back at the Chamblee station.

I won’t plan on running this race again – just too complicated!


Day off. Possibly will race tomorrow. But went shopping and did A LOT of walking!

NEW Shoes!

Yesterday was a blessed day! I bought a NEW pair of running shoes. A much needed addition to my wardrobe for a long time now. I figure I had between 1300-1500 miles on the pair I’ve been running in and typically 500 miles would be the time to purchase a new pair.

I won’t wait so long next time!

I had a WONDERFUL shoe buying experience at Phidippides in Ansley Mall on Piedmont Road (Midtown near Piedmont Park). I’ll never go back to Dicks or Sports Authority or any place like that again!

The guy spent like close to an hour with me. First he looked at my current shoes, analyzing the wear patterns both on the soles and insides. Then, he watched me run in them, then walk… THEN, he started bringing out shoe after shoe after shoe… We didn’t talk price and I didn’t even think about looking at any of the prices on the boxes. I just wanted to be totally comfortable in whatever I bought, no matter the price. Now that I think about it, I think he kept the boxes turned so that I couldn’t see the prices. In the end, after trying on what must have been close to a dozen pairs, running in each, narrowing it down to a handful then trying them on again, narrowing it down some more, putting one shoe brand on one foot and another on the other, running in those… It came down to the Filas. I’d never owned a pair of Filas before, always run in Nike, but that’s what I went there for, just to try on a bunch of different brands and see which I felt most comfortable in.

This is a pair of performance Fila and get this… (this played no part in my decision) There were 2 Fila reps there at the time and I wasn’t even aware of it until I had chosen the Filas. Evidently, they were watching me and after I chose the Filas, they came up with a new box (knew what size I needed) and said, “Here, have her try on these.” It was a brand new shoe not even out on the market yet, an updated version of the shoe I bought. So, I tried on that one, ran in it, didn’t like it, even tried it on again (after the guy had put it away in the box) ran in it again, still didn’t like it. I liked the way it looked but didn’t like the way it felt, so I went with my original choice.

One thing I REALLY like about the Filas was how smooth they were on the inside. The tongue completely integrated as part of the body of the shoe. I showed this to the rep in comparison to some of the others I had tried on and told him how important that was to me because of some of my past trouble with the tongue irritating my toenails during long runs thus resulting in the lose of those toenails.

I was VERY please with the whole process!

By the way, there prices were VERY competitive. After I had made my decision he told me that one of the pairs I had tried on was like $139 but the pair I chose, a $90 pair were on clearance for $65 – good choice. Posted by Picasa

I am Naturally Fresh

For quite some time now I’ve been concerned about the link between deodorants, antiperspirants, and breast cancer. So when a friend of mine had to undergo 6 weeks of radiation after her surgery for breast cancer and she could not wear conventional deodorant during the weeks of treatment I told her that I too would go without deodorant for the six week period. :-O Have you smelled a strange odor???

During her treatment she found a deodorant endorsed by the American Cancer Society and given the OK by her doctor. Read about it at:

You can find Naturally Fresh in a spray or roll on at Wal-Mart and Target and probably many other establishments as well but these are two that I have purchase it at. I’m wearing it and would highly recommend it although I had quite gotten used to wearing none at all. I now have better peace of mind about the deodorant I wear.

They have a line of other products as well as the deodorant. Look for the breast cancer pink ribbon symbol on the cap. Posted by Picasa



5 miles — 3 on the mill, 1 on the road with my “NEW” running partner and we walked 1.

How old are you REALLY? I’m 36

Take the “Real Age” test (as seen on Good Morning America) at

VERY interesting and helpful. It takes a few minutes of your time but it is WELL WORTH IT and when you are done you receive a comprehensive evaluation about your overall health and lifestyle and what you could be doing now to live longer and a more quality life.

Take the test. I did and it said I was 36.8, should conceder GAINING some weight, and take more vitamin E. Can you believe that? GAIN some weight?!? What a hoot!

September 2006
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"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork...There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard."

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