Archive for September 12th, 2007


Today is a rest day. Tomorrow will be a 5-miler, Friday a rest day, and Saturday probably a 15-miler [I hope!]. According to the schedule, it’s supposed to be a 20-miler on Saturday, but I will be delighted with 15.

Our 15-miler on Saturday will be, of course, 3 laps around the Rock. At the same time, the ATC will be having a road race there but we will not participate in that. They start at 8 and we will probably get started a couple hours earlier than that.

This is the description the ATC posted on their website: Singleton 5M/10M
Run Around the Rock 5M/10M/15M
This course is simple to follow: clockwise around the base of the mountain on blacktop park road, with one lap equal to five miles. There is one long and challenging hill at the four-fifths mark (Mile 4, Mile 9, Mile 14), but otherwise only slightly rolling. The course is not closed during the race, so be aware that pedestrians may be on the course coming from the opposite direction. There are also traffic-control posts at regular intervals on parts of the course on the right-hand side.

“…one long and challenging hill…” YEP! And “slightly rolling…” well, that’s all relative.

I just signed up for the Atlanta Thanksgiving Day 1/2 Marathon online — online is cheaper by about $2.50. My running partner will not be in town this year, so I will run alone, well, sort of alone… I’m sure I won’t be the ONLY one running. She said next year she’d like to do the full marathon. She’s like really in “marathon mode” right now. I don’t think I’d do the full on Thanksgiving Day — I DO want to be able to finish off a good turkey & dressing meal afterwards :~) But that’s OK, ’cause she’s so fast and I’m so slow we’d probably finish about the same time. he he he

My running partner is, of course, running the Marine Corps Marathon next month [still not sure if I will do that one — I’m waiting to see how this 15-miler goes on Saturday, and a 20-miler in a couple of weeks], and she, like I, is already signed up for the ING GA Marathon in March ’08. On top of that, she’s signed up for the Myrtle Beach Marathon in February ’08, and talking about running the Country Music Marathon in Nashville in ’08. WHEW! Don’t think I can keep up with all that…

September 2007
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